The Sky is the Limit - Shareable Content

The Sky is the Limit - Shareable Content

Read before download: This free shareable content is for individuals to share with friends, post on social media, or print and distribute fliers or posters. Not for commercial use. Do not remove credit. Do not sell. Do not alter. Right click on the images and save them to your device. 


The Sky is the Limit is a series of illustrations and typography that have been featured on my buttons. Buttons with meaningful messages are cool and all but the reach is limited. We all have our own spheres of influence. You’re a lot more likely to get the attention of people you know than of a stranger who decidedly prefers to ignore any and all other perspectives.

Unfortunately, many social media algorithms are designed to be an echo chamber of validating opinions because that helps keep us chained to our phones. Each of our online experiences are catered to our own likes and purchases, and this ultimately keeps us segregated. Oftentimes people are much more likely to leave a strongly worded comment instead of--for just an instant--considering a challenging perspective. Seeing comments like these make me wonder what the hell is going on in their lives where they feel the need to spread hatred and perpetuate the us VS them ideology. Clearly people are unhappy. Expanding our horizons and opening our minds can help us understand each other and find common ground. There is no way that we all are oh-so very different from each other that we cannot agree on a single thing. This divide is a manufactured lie. 

Help Me Earth:

Help Me Earth is an illustration made many moons ago. Since its conception, I have come to the realization that the planet is not in need of our help. The planet has existed so much longer than humans that we cannot physically understand the scale with our meat-sack-monkey-brains. The planet has survived the end of the world several times over. The planet shall prevail and so will life. Humanity however may not be so lucky. But alas, karma is a bitch and we are heading straight towards our own demise. Maybe more accurately the caption should be “Help me help you.” Regardless of the verbiage, preserving our planet and slowing climate change will be beneficial to us all. 

People Power:

To place money and power over humanity is shortsighted and simply unsustainable. The ruling class seemingly does not give a single fuck about the future of humanity as a whole. They barely seem to care about their own kin with the way they are treating our planet. Resources are finite. One day the resources will run out: the gas and oil, the clean water and air, the fertile soil, and ultimately the people to exploit. But I guess it does not matter to them because they are presently benefitting from the system. We the people shall not be fooled so easily, you tricky, tricky bastards!

Sunshine & Solidarity:

The darkness is looming! Giving in to despair will guarantee the successful exploitation of the world’s population by the ruling class. Joy is an act of rebellion. Coming together, uplifting underprivileged and oppressed members of our community, celebrating our differences, teaching and learning with each other, hearing others' stories, exploring nature and knowledge. This is how we will not only prevail, but thrive. 


There is a lot of life on the earth, human or otherwise, that does not have the privilege to think beyond the basic instincts of survival. When we humans are just trying to make it through the day, we lack the capacity to make life better for ourselves or for others. Life sucks for everyone but it is undeniable that it sucks more for some people. Dear reader, consider the privileges you may have. Referring to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, are your physiological needs met? Are you safe and secure? Do you feel love and belonging? Do you have self-esteem? If you have excess time and energy, consider how you can make the world a little better than you found it for the sake of all earthlings alike. Consider how you can make these human needs rights instead of privileges. 


Little by little is how we will change the world, preferably for the better. We are in charge of our own history and we shall preserve our own truths. My legacy will not be one of hatred, division, or destruction. Will yours?


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